About Me
Hi! My name is Emily, creator and owner of Bee Still Photography.
My journey with photography began over ten years ago when I received my first professional camera for Christmas. I quickly (and happily) became the “family photographer”; I took pictures of everything! Every party, holiday, birthday, wedding, new baby - you name it! I even walked around and took pictures of trees and wildlife when there weren't any people around! I couldn't get enough.
I fell in love with capturing those blink of an eye moments and having the power to create a life long memory with the click of a button.
At first, the idea of starting my own business seemed impossible and, quite frankly, way too scary! But after a while, photography went from being a hobby to a passion, and I knew I wanted to capture precious moments for other people too. After all, that's what life is! A bunch of precious moments woven together that make up your life and tell your story. I would consider it a privilege to capture your precious moments and help tell your story!
Thanks for checking out Bee Still Photography! Hopefully, I'll see you soon. :)